Trigeminal neuralgia is
NOT a dental condition.

Do you know the difference?

Trigeminal neuralgia is not a dental condition.

Do you know the difference?

Classic trigeminal neuralgia pain is characterized by recurring attacks of severe pain, usually in the trigeminal nerve distribution. Eating, brushing, shaving, and even a breeze can trigger trigeminal neuralgia. It’s only a matter of time before a patient walks into your practice showing symptoms that appear to be tooth related, but are actually neurological.

Trigeminal neuropathic pain cannot
be resolved with dental procedures.

The majority of TN patients visit a dentist first
Word cloud using patient’s actual words
Dental procedures performed on TN patients

Recorded Webinar

Brijesh Chandwani, DMD, BDS

Orofacial Pain, Dentistry's Newest Specialty: What It Is, How it Affects Dentists, and Why Your Treatment Choice Matters

Dr. Chandwani talks about the basics of orofacial pain and why it is relevant to dentists. Learn how to recognize some of dentistry’s phantom pains, including atypical odontalgia by seeing real cases of how trigeminal neuralgia presents in the dentist’s chair. Attendees will also understand the differential diagnoses in orofacial pain – when to treat and when to refer out and different treatment options available to help patients with pain – topicals, pharmaceuticals, and complementary medicine.

Recorded Webinar

Donald Nixdorf, DDS, MS

Can You Spot The Difference? Real Stories From My Chair About Neuropathic Facial Pain

Dr. Nixdorf covers the important similarities and differences between TN and dental pain and the symptoms to look out for so you and your team can quickly identify. He also reveals the top 3 ‘mimics’ of trigeminal neuralgia dental practices see on a regular basis and what to do after you suspect your patient has trigeminal neuralgia or neuropathic pain

1 Page Fact Sheet

Five Things Dentists Need To Know About Trigeminal Neuralgia

This one-page fact sheet is a perfect way to start educating your dental team on trigeminal neuralgia. 54% of tn patients visit their dentist first, so it’s important that dental practices know dental pain from neuropathic facial pain.

Can you diagnose
trigeminal neuralgia?

Take the quiz and find out.
