FPA 1:1 Support Program

Peer Mentors are trained volunteers who can offer one-on-one support. They are people affected by facial pain who can be empathetic listeners, connect you to resources, and share tips on how to cope with facial pain.

FPA Peer Mentors are from all over the US and several international countries. They represent diverse experiences with facial pain, including diagnoses, treatments, side effects, and much more

Request a recommendation. Complete the Custom Help form. To help the FPA staff make a better match, we encourage you to share additional information such as your general location, diagnosis, and stage of life (working, retired, raising a family, etc.). You will receive an email with recommendations based on the information you provide.  

Interested in becoming a volunteer?

The FPA welcomes volunteers from varied backgrounds, life experiences, and medical  histories. We are committed to making sure you have everything you need to be successful including training, continuing education, and networking opportunities.  

More Information  

Ready to Apply? 

View or Download the Patient Guide

Learn more about neuropathic facial pain, including how to get a diagnosis, treatments, and more by viewing or downloading our free patient guide.

By filling out the form below, you will receive a free FPA Patient Guide and periodic updates on the management and treatment of facial pain conditions. We do not share this information with any outside sources.

By filling out the form below, you will receive a free FPA Patient Guide and periodic updates on the management and treatment of facial pain conditions. We do not share this information with any outside sources.